The last phase is the cladding surface finishing. Because of the rainy wetter in past days, there were already grey stains, so we decided to sand the surface to get the homogeneous surface color at least at the beginning of the surface finishing. The plane zones were sanded with the abrasive band grinding machine and the curvy zones were done by disk vibration sander. Continue reading Surface finishing
Author: bryggen
Workshop nr. 2: Day 5 – 9, Sunday April 3 – Thursday April 7
In this phase there were designed and manufactured plywood ribbons supported by timber. They are creating supporting structure for back leaning by the main big beam. Continue reading Workshop nr. 2: Day 5 – 9, Sunday April 3 – Thursday April 7
Workshop nr. 2: Day 1 – 4, March 29 – April 1
After Easter, we continue with 2nd Spring workshop. It is our 4th meeting together. Continue reading Workshop nr. 2: Day 1 – 4, March 29 – April 1
Day 12 – 14, Monday March 21 – Wednesday March 23
The relay was took by Slovak students and teachers from FA STUBA, thus the basic structure has to be prepared for the next phase after Easter – putting a wooden cover carpet on the top surface. Continue reading Day 12 – 14, Monday March 21 – Wednesday March 23
Day 9 – 11, Friday March 18 – Sunday March 20
The most time consuming phase has started – cutting and fixing of crossbeams between the big glued plywood beams.
Continue reading Day 9 – 11, Friday March 18 – Sunday March 20
Day 8 – Thursday, March 17
Big maneuver operation “Z” – The transport of the glued plywood beams from LEGA, Komjatice by long vehicle – 13 meters long truck semitrailer and “landing” on the plot at Hrušovská zdž. Continue reading Day 8 – Thursday, March 17
Day 1- Tuesday March 8

Final part of the projects has started in the beginning of March 2016. With our students, we plan to build platform for bird watching at the “Hrusovska zdrz” dam.
Our platform is going to be quite courageous construction of CNC cut and glued beams from plywood. It is definitely first time ever in Slovakia, something similar is arising.
Because of difficulties of construction process, we had to split our workshops into 2 spring workshops. First one is happening already before Easter holiday and we will continue after, to finish it. Stay tuned!
Continue reading Day 1- Tuesday March 8
Students of architecture will build bird watching platform at the edge of Danube river
Short description of the project
partners: FA STUBA and BAS, with support from NGO
Experimental Wooden Climatic Chamber – Project Description
It is a bilateral educational project providing students and teachers mobility between Faculty of Architecture at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA) and Bergen School of Architecture (BAS), whereas its activities will have also broader regional and environmental impact. The main aim of the project is to create a sustainable values in form of experimental structure (experimental wooden climatic chamber – EWCC for nature watching) together with connection to broader landscape concept by using practically oriented learning process of architecture and design students. Designing and building process and its pilot running will have environmental character with positive effect to development of ecotourism and agro-tourism in Danube region. Continue reading Experimental Wooden Climatic Chamber – Project Description