- First group helps by loading and reloading the transport of CNC – cut elements made of waterproof plywood from company LACOS in Senec to Komajtice, to comapny LEGA, where the glueing of the single plywood pieces into the beams is going to happen
- Setting the system for gluing turns into the first glued beams
- For gluing is used waterproof PUR – glue HRANIPUR 15 form company Hranimpex. This glues has tendency to expand so the consequent load of every single layer is necessary. The reaction time of this glue is only 15 minutes, so the students have to work really hard and efficient
- Each layer (there are 4 of them) of the beam takes some 1 hour to mount and glue together. It is also the necessary drying time to have the glue joint also enough hard
- The glued plywood beams can be handled after 24 hours
- The single layers were also screwed and clamped together
- At the end the beams were impregnated by Bochemit – the agent against biodegradation
Our big thanks goes to Marek Machata, Peter Frečka and other masters form company LEGA that worked many hours overtime and were really helpful to us.
Also to Alexander Cehlárik from company RC nábytok Šurany that has borrowed us the tools. Special thanks belongs to Boris Bršel from company BOTO Nové Zamky, for the help by programming the CNC cutting and networking all the process of manufacturing the glued beams.
- Other group have prepared grid at the terrain for the earth screws
On Tuesday March 15 starts the earth screwing – there are 20 pieces of earth screws to be drilled into the terrain – the next day is the work done.
Big thanks belongs to Mr. Jan Budzak from Isometall
- The grid made of earth screws was then prepared for arrival of the beams
- Weekend 12.3.-13.3. – break